5 Quick & Easy Hairstyles !

In the midst of a busy lifestyle, sometimes it can be difficult to find the time to make yourself look completely presentable. Styling your...

In the midst of a busy lifestyle, sometimes it can be difficult to find the time to make yourself look completely presentable. Styling your hair is one of the simple tricks which can transform any outfit to make yourself look flawless for everyday activities like work and uni or even for a fancy night out.

Today, I'm going to share with you, fellow ladies (or gents), five quick and easy hairstyles that require no heat and minimum hair accessories.

The Braided Updo

This look is really great for medium to long haired girls !

Image Source: Divine Caroline
  1. Using a comb, split your hair into two even sections.
  2. Loosely braid both sections and secure with small invisible hair ties.
  3. Grab the two plaits and tie them in a simple knot at the base of your neck (Note: if you have long hair, you may tie it more than twice to make the ends short and easy to tuck in.)
  4. With the ends of your plaits, tuck them underneath your makeshift knotted bun.
  5. Secure with bobby pins.

Knotted Ponytail

This ethereal ponytail looks lovely for casual days at uni !

Image Source: Cup of Jo
  1. Brush out hair, and use a comb to separate into two sections, slightly off centre : one larger section with 3/4 of your hair and the other with a 1/4 of your hair.
  2. Secure the larger section with a hair tie
  3. Using your smaller section of your hair, begin tightly twisting your hair away from your face and angle it towards the other side of your head
  4. After twisting, create a knot by weaving the large and small section together.
  5. After knotting, use the left over small section to loosely wrap around the combined pony and secure with a bobby pin.

The Ponytail with a Twist

See what I did there ;) Anyway, this has got to be one of my favourites, just because it is a classic twist (haha) on the traditional ponytail that we all women know and love. 

Image Source:AOL

  1. Gather all your hair and tie it in a high pony tail with an elastic
  2. Select a few strands of her from the bottom of the pony tail, enough to wrap around to cover the elastic band
  3. Using the hair strands, wrap the hair over the elastic in an anticlockwise motion until your elastic is covered.
  4. Tuck the ends of your hair into the hair tie.

Easy Chignon Updo

This is a beautiful hairstyle perfect for any formal occasion and it's super simple !

Image Source: Women and Men's Hairstyle
  1. Separate your hair into 3 sections: one large section in the middle and two smaller sections on either side of your head.
  2. With the two sections at both ends of your head: Twist the hair in the direction towards your head until they reach the back of your head.
  3. Secure into a ponytail with a hair ties
  4. Use the hair from the large middle section of your head and begin tucking the hair over the hair tie so it creates a hair roll.
  5. Secure with bobby pins.

The Criss-Cross Low Bun

This cute low bun is great as it helps tame the stray hairs that may get in your face !

Image Source: Latest Hairstyles

  1. Similar to the previous hairstyle, separate your hair into 3 sections: one large section in the middle and two smaller sections on either side of your head.
  2. Secure the middle section with a hair tie in a bun by twisting the hair.
  3. Wrap the right section over to the left side of your head and tuck into the underside of the bun.
  4. Repeat step 3 with the left section and wrap over to the right side and tuck into the underside of the bun 
  5. Secure with bobby pin if needed.

If you'd like to see more hairstyle looks, I'd recommend watching the lovely Laura Lee's 15 Back to School Heatless Hairstyles video below.

She shows you how to create super fast hairstyles that still look gorgeous and effortless.

Hope you enjoyed these looks !
What is your go-to hairstyle look? 

Happy Blogging !
xx Ann

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